Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ride/Creation Records

If you were ever into the shoegaze music scene back in the early 1990's, you're probably familiar with the band Ride and their legendary label Creation Records. A documentary about the label, Upside Down: Story of Creation Records, was just released in the U.K, and the label's founder, Alan McGee, has been doing a lot of publicity for the release. He recently wrote a piece about Ride for Rhino Records, who released a 20th anniversary edition of Ride's classic cd, Nowhere. Check out the piece, "Alan McGee on Ride" here. What's interesting is McGee declares Ride's classic song, "Leave Them All Behind" and "D'You Know What I Mean" by Oasis to conceptually be the same song. Check out both songs below and see what you think. Unfortunately the version of "Leave Them All Behind" is an edit of the powerful 8 minute album version, but hopefully you'll get the picture.

If you're interested in Upside Down: Story of Creation Records, it will be released on import in North America on May 17th, as will the double disc soundtrack. Check out the soundtrack's impressive tracklisting here.

One last tidbit for Ride fans. Ride's Mark Gardener and Andy Bell reviewed the band's entire catalog here.