Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fix--The Ministry Movie

The documentary on Ministry--Fix-The Ministry Movie--is currently being screened in select cities around the country (not Detroit, at least not yet). Earlier this year the documentary, which chronicles the band's 1996 Sphinctour excursion, was held up in part because Al Jourgensen was suing the directors/producers of the film. As it turned out, Jourgensen had a change of heart and dropped the suit this summer (some say due to a health issue he was dealing with) allowing the documentary to see light of day. Soon there should be a DVD release to report on, but for now you can read an interview with director Doug Freel here and you can read his tour diary (including an entry from the Detroit show on April 10th, 1996) here. Two trailers for Fix-The Ministry Movie can be viewed below:

And an early Happy Birthday to Al Jourgensen! His birthday is tomorrow.