Monday, November 21, 2011

Liam vs Noel part 5001

If you thought the litigation between Gallagher brothers Liam and Noel was over, think again. Earlier this year Liam filed suit against Noel for comments Noel had made about Liam forcing Oasis to pull out of the V Festival a few years ago because of a hangover. Noel eventually apologized to Liam and everyone thought the matter was over. Apparently not. According to an exclusive report in today's Mirror, Noel filed legal documents in the matter on November 1st, and some of the documents have some pretty choice words about Liam saying he's "disrupted gig" displayed "generally irresponsible and unreasonable behavior" and was "spiteful and childish." According to the Mirror, Liam had no comment about the matter other than things were in the hands of lawyers at this point. Yeah, the Mirror is a tabloid, and tabloids get things wrong all the time, but they do have screenshots of some legal documents. Check out the full report in the Mirror here.

Meanwhile Q interviewed Noel recently (their interview will be published in their new issue next week) and they quoted Noel as saying, "I want them (Beady Eye) to do well. I don't want to get involved in that shit."

Watch some video from Q's interview with Noel (contains no comments about Liam or Beady eye):