Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Creation Records

Creation Records chief Alan McGee chose 8 records from Creation's catalog for a "how to buy" list published by Q magazine a couple of days ago. McGee placed the 9 records into three categories: 'essential,' 'recommended,' and 'for the connoisseur.' Oasis, Primal Scream, and My Bloody Valentine made it to the essential list, Sugar, Teenage Fanclub, and House of Love were on the recommended list, and Ride and Keeping the Faith (a various artists compilation) were selected for the connoisseur. Read the full list with McGee's awesome commentary here.

Probably McGee's most insightful comment was the following revelation about Ride:

"I hold myself responsible for f*cking up their career by introducing them to The Byrds and The Beatles."

Sadly, you pretty much have to agree with that if you're a Ride fan--they kind of jumped the shark, if you will, once they started recording 60's influenced music post 1992's Going Blank Again.

"Unfamiliar" Ride