Friday, January 20, 2012

New Order

I was stuck in a office yesterday suffering through an individual's verbal diarrhea when I remembered I had an old iPod in my bag. Guess who listened to 5 hours of New Order yesterday? Hell yes, I did. And it was awesome.

One of the records I listened to was 1988's Technique. Did you know Technique had its own television commercial?

I was disturbed to learn that even though a video for the record's first single, "Fine Time" exists (they played it a lot on 120 Minutes back in the day), the official video hasn't been uploaded to YouTube! Can someone remedy this, because we're tragically stuck with a Top of the Pops performance, or just a video-less stream of the song:

"Fine Time" (Top of the Pops, 1988)

"Fine Time"

Somehow the oddball official video for "Round & Round" was really easy to locate:

And here's "Run" (John Denver's peeps sued N'Order over this song)

The whole record is awesome, so if you have it, it's worth pulling it out. I'd also recommend just re-discovering your other New Order records, because they are just so good. If you DON'T have any New Order in your collection, here's a tip--do NOT buy this and don't buy this either. With both of those collections (yes, I own them both) many of the songs are shortened/edited and some of the edits REALLY suck. If you must buy a collection, you can NEVER go wrong with Substance.

"State Of The Nation"

"Face Up"

"Every Little Counts"

I could actually post New Order songs all day, so I'd better stop before I'm late for work.