Thursday, April 5, 2012

Liam Gallagher: Spinal Tap aren't a real band?

The Irish Times article, "Rock's rich spinal tapestry: were Brother having us all along?" is mainly about parody Brit-pop band Brother, but the highlight of the article is an entertaining anecdote supplied by Noel Gallagher of Oasis. As the piece reveals, some time ago Noel and Liam Gallagher were in New York and heard Spinal Tap were playing Carnegie Hall. Liam, being a huge fan of the film, decided to go see them with Noel:

Liam complained loudly during A Mighty Wind’s performance, saying he didn’t want to sit through “this folk shit”, he just wanted to see Spinal Tap. Noel patiently explained that A Mighty Wind were the same people as Spinal Tap, so be quiet and enjoy the double bill.

Liam was confused. So Spinal Tap aren’t a real band? No, Noel replied, they were all comedy actors. Liam promptly stood up and stalked out of the venue in considerable disgust.

Awesome. Read the full story here.
