Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mike Joyce - Book in the works?

Morrissey isn't the only member of the Smiths looking to release a tell all book in the near future.  According to the Toronto SunMike Joyce is planning on releasing his own "explosive" book, but he won't write it until he reads Morrissey's autobiography.  Joyce recently told Record Collector:

"Someone's approached me to do a book, and I'm quite interested. I've heard Morrissey's bringing a book out, so I'll hang fire and see what we get out of that, and that might accelerate my side of things. Who knows?"

Joyce famously sued Morrissey and Johnny Marr for back royalities in 1989, and after years of litigation was awarded over a million dollars.  Morrissey is still pretty bitter about the whole case and it's kind of entertaining that Joyce is waiting to see what barbs Moz throws his way before he throws his own.  Morrissey's autobiography doesn't have an official release date yet, so it looks like we'll have to wait awhile before the sparks start to fly.  Stayed tuned for impending drama!