Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Morrissey - not retiring + lawsuit over?

Last week the interwebs were agog with news that Morrissey would be retiring at the age of 55. Morrissey has now posted his own statement through True To You about the reported retirement:

Morrissey would like to stress that reports of his 'retirement', as excitably earmarked by several newspapers and websites are "wishful thinking" on behalf of the writers.

Sadly, Morrissey has NOT posted a statement about the apology that was offered up yesterday by NME in regards to the libel lawsuit, which is scheduled to be heard in London's High Court next month.  Music Week is still reporting the lawsuit has been settled, though nothing seems to be confirmed officially by NME or anyone else, so stay tuned.

Update: Pitchfork is now reporting that the NME/Moz lawsuit is over, though they are citing the same Music Week report that was posted yesterday.

If the Music Week report is true, I have to say I'm somewhat disappointed that there won't be unfolding court drama next month, but I guess it's a win for Morrissey and NME.  Celebrate the victory (of sorts) with a Morrissey concert from 1991.