Thursday, October 4, 2012

Morrissey - Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Morrissey performed on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.  He covered a Frankie Valli song "To Give (The Reason I Live)" on the broadcast, and performed "You Have Killed Me" as a web-exclusive.  Watch the performance below. Both official Fallon videos are posted, plus I've posted You Tube versions for those outside of the U.S.:

"To Give (The Reason I Live)"

"You Have Killed Me"

You Tube rips of the performance are posted below for fans outside of the U.S. (Fallon videos may be geo-blocked outside the U.S.). They *may* get pulled down, so watch them while you can:

"You Have Killed Me"

"To Give (The Reason I Live)"

Meanwhile, another fantastic interview with Morrissey has been published. This time, Morrissey answered questions (via email) from Metro in Boston. The full interview is posted here and is a great read.  As always Morrissey has provided some awesome quotes, including the following comment on the Smiths reunion rumors that persist from time to time:

"If people continue to ask that question now — which they do, then they shall never stop, and they shall never stop because they don’t understand the history of the band. Asking about a Smiths reformation is no different to driving into fog."

Morrissey also was asked what makes him laugh:

"My naked self.  Thankfully it's not something I often see.  I tend to look away."

And he also commented on his career:

"I had no idea that I would have a career. In fact, it’s not a career at all — it’s simply one great mudslide. It’s now 30 years on, which is so unthinkable that you might as well tell me that it’s my life without me in it. I‘d believe you."

Read the full interview here.