Monday, November 19, 2012

A Charlie Brown Christmas + Thanksgiving

A remastered and expanded version of the soundtrack to A Charlie Brown Christmas by the Vince Guaraldi Trio is now available.  The new version includes different mixes/alternate takes (for instance, the version of "Linus & Lucy" is the recording originally used in the film) and adds three previously unavailable songs - "Greensleeves," "Great Pumpkin Waltz," and "Thanksgiving Theme" - all of which are available to purchase as part of the album, or may be downloaded individually. Be warned: if you're a fan of the old school version of the soundtrack, it might be best to take a listen to all of the samples over on Amazon before purchasing - some customers have voiced disappointment in the remastered versions of old favorites, due to the "updated" sound of the recording. The remastered version of A Charlie Brown Christmas is out now on physical cd and as a digital download.

Since the big day is right around the corner, settle in and enjoy A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving below: