Friday, January 18, 2013

Morrissey - Autobiography update

For almost two years we've been hearing about a Morrissey autobiography - Moz first revealed in a 2011 interview with the BBC that a memoir was in the works.  Last year a few reports indicated the book would be out before the end of 2012 (including affirmation from the Moz himself), but those reports proved to be false.  According to a new report in the Los Angeles Times, Morrissey recently seemed to indicate the book would be published by Penguin Classic, but after New York Capital contacted the Penguin headquarters in New York, two spokespeople claimed to "have no knowledge of any plans for publication."

Though it's a somewhat confusing situation, it does appear a Morrissey memoir has been written and will be released, it's just unknown at this time who will be publishing it and when exactly it will be released.

Read the full report in the Los Angeles Times here, but you'll also want to click over to read the Capital New York piece they referenced.

By the way, the original BBC interview from April 2011 (where Morrissey first discussed the autobiography) is available to stream here.

"I Know It's Over"