Monday, June 3, 2013

Joy Division inspired game 'Will Love Tear Us Apart'

A game inspired by Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart" has been developed by Gordon Calleja. Calleja wanted to see if he could take a poem, song, or lyric and create a game around it.  He eventually chose to tackle "Love Will Tear Us Apart" and used each verse of the song to create a new level of the game. 'Will Love Tear Us Apart' was released last week by Mighty Box Games as a free-to-play browser game. They hope the game will encourage users to "reflect on the darker side of love: mis-communication, emotional impasse and the sadness of separation," and proclaim "what guides this game is an ambition to frustrate, upset and sting the player into remembering the dark days preceding the death of a relationship."

Check out the trailer for Will Love Tear Us Apart below:

Play it here. Unity player installation required.  Via BBC 6.