Monday, August 26, 2013

Nine Inch Nails previews new song in LP trailer + cover story

Nine Inch Nails premiered a new trailer for the upcoming album Hesitation Marks, which comes out September 4th. The trailer displays the album's artwork and includes part of a new song titled, "The Eater of Dreams." Check it out below.

Meanwhile Spin premiered their cover story/interview on Trent Reznor today. The feature includes a discussion of Reznor's past and how he came to resurrect Nine Inch Nails after shutting things down in 2009 (he also reveals the poppy new song, "Everything" was actually written before he decided to create a full new NIN album - the song was one of two new tracks that he recorded for a greatest hits collection for Interscope). In the interview Reznor briefly commented on his return to a major label (Columbia):

"I know that what we're doing flies in the face of the Kickstarter Amanda-Palmer-Start-a-Revolution thing, which is fine for her, but I'm not super-comfortable with the idea of Ziggy Stardust shaking his cup for scraps. I'm not saying offering things for free or pay-what-you-can is wrong. I'm saying my personal feeling is that my album's not a dime. It's not a buck. I made it as well as I could, and it costs 10 bucks, or go fuck yourself."

And though he initially embraced social media (especially Twitter) he's decided it's not for him:

"Oversharing feels vulgar to me now. I know we've been fooled into thinking it's okay to show dick pics and that the Kardashians' behavior is normal, but it's not. I've tuned out in the last couple years. Everybody's got a fucking opinion. It takes courage to put something out creatively into the world, and then to see it get trampled on by cunts? It's destructive."

Read the full cover story/feature over at Spin.