Monday, December 16, 2013

Peter Murphy comments on drug arrest: "I'm a total teetotaler"

Peter Murphy has finally commented publicly on his March 17th arrest for hit & run and drug possession. Murphy admits to being involved in an accident, however he vehemently denies being in possession (or being a user) of methamphetamine. In an interview with the Australian music site The (via Louder Than War), Murphy reveals he's a "total teetotaler" and has no idea where the meth police discovered came from:

"If you read the police reports you will see that my drug tests were completely clean. It’s not clear where the meth came from, but I can tell you that I have never touched the stuff."

Murphy escaped jail time and was sentenced to three months of probation in October. He'll release his tenth studio album, tentatively titled Lion, in 2014. The album was produced by Youth and is projected to be completed by year's end.

Earlier in the year, Peter Murphy guested on the new Dark Flowers album. Stream the track "Clean Break" from the album below:

"Clean Break"

Published on December 16th, 2013 @ 10:27 PM