Friday, February 14, 2014

Fishbone ordered to pay 1.4 million for stage-diving incident

Fishbone have been ordered to pay 1.4 million dollars to a woman injured at the band's February 2010 show in Philadelphia. The Huffington Post reports the woman suffered a broken skull and collarbone after being "knocked to the floor" by stage-diving lead singer Angelo Moore. The federal judge in the case ordered Fishbone to pay 1.1 million in compensatory damages and added another 250 thousand dollars for punitive damages. The article notes that the judge wasn't pleased that Fishbone continue to stage-dive at shows since the incident and the band refuses to issue warnings about their live shows because it detracts from the "theatrics" of the act.

Read the full report here.

Published on February 14th, 2014 @ 5:11 AM