Thursday, July 31, 2014

Gary Numan unveils mystical video for "I Am Dust"

Gary Numan released the four song ep, I Am Dust, featuring the original version of the title track (taken from Numan's full album Splinter: Songs From A Broken Mind), a demo version, and two remixes. This week Numan unveiled the official video for "I Am Dust" which was directed by Chris Corner of IAMX. Corner had the following to say about working with Numan:

"When I saw Gary in Los Angeles performing "I Am Dust," I knew I had to try to capture his immense stage presence and energy in the video, and to combine it with the raw, abstract visual world that it evokes in my head. Primal, subconscious, mystical, wild. We asked Gary to do some strange things. He did them without question. A testament to his trust and professionalism."

Take a look at the video for "I Am Dust" below:

Published July 31st, 2014 @ 6:01 PM