Monday, September 12, 2016

Kim Gordon releases "Murdered Out" single

Since Sonic Youth's disbandment, Kim Gordon has been working on several musical projects, including Body/Head and Glitterbust, plus she released her memoir Girl In A Band last year. Today she's released her first ever solo single "Murdered Out," which Gordon revealed was inspired by lowrider car culture:

"When I moved back to LA, I noticed more and more cars painted with black matte spray, tinted windows, blackened logos, and black wheels. This was something I had occasionally seen in the past, part of lowrider car culture. A reclaiming of a corporate symbol of American success, The Car, from an outsider’s point of view. A statement-making rejection of the shiny brand new look, the idea of a new start, the promise of power, and the freedom on the open road. Like an option on a voting ballot, 'none of the above.'"

"Murdered Out" was produced by Justin Raisen and features Stella Mozgawa of Warpaint on drums. Stream below and head over to Matador to purchase/download a copy.

Published September 12th, 2016