Sunday, April 9, 2017

Classic Alternative - Episode 1: Smashing The Paradigm

It is Sunday, which means it's time to rock it old school. This week I'm excited to announce I have two separate playlists for you to stream and enjoy:

1. I have concocted and recorded a two-hour mix of classic alternative music. I hesitate to call it a podcast, but it's similar to Time Warp in that you'll hear music along with commentary, music news, etc. It's somewhat of a work in progress, and it will sound bigger and better in the weeks to come, but I decided to post an episode now because I wanted to keep your heart (and ears) full of great music. You can stream it down below or here.

2. As promised previously, I have a new playlist for you. Classic Alternative Playlist #2 is the second in the Spotify playlist series and features four hours of music. Stream below or on Spotify. If you missed last week's playlist, stream it here.

FYI: the Spotify playlist is an entirely different set of songs than the two-hour show mix, so that means you've got SIX unique hours of music in all!

Thank you so much for listening and caring. Keep the music alive!

Published April 9th, 2017