Friday, July 28, 2017

NIN confirm live Panorama stream + Trent Reznor interview

Nine Inch Nails are headlining the Panorama festival in NYC on Sunday night, and the band has confirmed that NIN's set will indeed stream live (U.S. only). The live stream takes place on July 30th at 9:30 pm ET and can be accessed here.

Meanwhile, Vulture posted an excellent interview with Trent Reznor this week. Reznor discussed the music industry, how he explains his music to his kids, NIN's EP trilogy, and his perceived difference between consuming music back in day with the streaming present:

"I grew up in a little shitty town outside the range of college radio. I had FM radio, I had Rolling Stone, and later, I had a subscription to Village Voice, which seemed like it came from different world. That kind of cultural isolation made discovering music exciting. When I went to college in the early ’80s and discovered independent record shops, it was like, I’ve got so much catching up to do. I’d never heard of XTC, then I’d learn they had six albums for me to listen to.

I’d never want to discredit the feelings of the 16-year-old who completely relates to Lorde, but there’s something to be said for not having the ability to just skip to the next song, not having endless playlists, not having unlimited choice, not having to choose music over video games and endless television and looking at mindless humblebragging someone is doing on social media about their awesome life. You used to actually have to decide to spend time with music rather than just idly picking it from a plethora of options."

Read the fantastic full piece here.

Published July 28th, 2017