Thursday, December 14, 2017

R.E.M. talk early days in new documentary 'R.E.M. Out Of Athens'

Irish radio station RTE1 premiered an informative and fascinating hourlong documentary about R.E.M.'s early days. Hosted by Ken Sweeney, R.E.M. Out Of Athens takes the listener back in time as the band and key players share previously unheard stories about the early days, touring, revelations behind iconic songs, and more.

The documentary underscores the integrity, class, and true independent spirit of R.E.M. - they always did things their own way, on their own terms. It also reveals how genuinely supportive they were of other bands, their crew, and everyone they worked with. This is an extraordinary documentary about an extraordinary band and is essential listening for any R.E.M. fan.

Bonus: includes a ton of music from R.E.M. along with B-52's, Let's Active, and 10,000 Maniacs among others.

Stream R.E.M. Out Of Athens below:

Published December 14th, 2017