Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Evil Presidentes presents: Bowiemixone

Evil Presidentes aka Neil Waters, the superb DJ behind several phenomenal Depeche Mode mega-mixes, has struck gold again with a David Bowie mix. His set was presented live inside Classified Records in Dundalk, Ireland on January 13th as part of a pop-up Bowie mini-festival. Nineteen Bowie tracks are included in this very chill and magnificent mix which includes fan favorites and a few lesser known/more obscure tracks. Waters explains his creation:

"This setlist features less obvious tracks and tries to encapsulate a mood and project a feeling of time dilation which is based (mostly) around Bowie's 1977-82 'Berlin Trilogy' period. This is the David Bowie I have musical preference for; his work with Brian Eno has a wonderfully modern dystopian feel to it and is the Bowie I love most."

Stream below and download Bowiemixone over at Soundcloud. FYI: two more Bowie mixes from the pop-up festival will be available in the weeks to come, so stay tuned!

Published January 23rd, 2018