Sunday, March 18, 2018

Morrissey lashes out at The Independent + watch his Vive Latino performance

It turns out Morrissey was fibbing a bit in his song "Spent The Day In Bed." He hasn't really stopped watching the news, or the very least he hasn't stopped reading the news. The legend was pretty ruffled by yesterday's feature in The Independent titled This Charmless Man: How Morrissey's big mouth struck again...and again.  The piece was by no means complimentary, however it doesn't particularly stand out all that much from other op-ed/commentaries that have been omnipresent since last fall.

At any rate, Morrissey wasn't having any of it and called out the paper for being "fake news," "old news" and "no news." Later in a subsequent post he urged fans that were "tired of reading the same old shit" from The Independent to contact them and complain. [He made it clear that doesn't hate all media - BBC Radio 2, BBC 6 Music, Q, and Clash Magazine were acknowledged for their support]. 

Check out the posts below or over on Facebook:

Meanwhile, Morrissey played an hour long set at Vive Latino 2018 in Mexico City last night. His set was part of the festival's live stream - if you missed the performance or just want to relive the magic, check it out in full below.

Published March 18th, 2018