Friday, December 14, 2018

Robert Smith confirms new LP in the works

Robert Smith has once again revealed that new music from The Cure is on the way. He confirmed to SiriusXM in an interview yesterday that the band will be finishing up work on a new album soon:

"...because of the Meltdown thing I've seen all these new bands, listened to so many's kind of inspired me to do something now. So yes, we're going in (the studio) in about six weeks' time to finish up what will be our first album in over a decade. So it's very exciting times for us."

Earlier this year Smith did a lot of press for The Cure's two big shows (Meltdown, which he curated, and the Hyde Park show) and bubbled over with enthusiasm for creating new music, revealing how inspired he was to get back at it creatively after listening to so much new music. He also told BBC 6 Music back in April that it's pretty much now or never time for The Cure to make new music:

"I listen to a vast amount of different types of music so I thought to myself what I should do is listen to newer bands, listen to more new music more than I have probably in the last six years. It's kind of acted as a catalyst to me, I've suddenly fallen in love with the idea of writing new songs, it's really had a really good effect on's reinvigorated my sense of creativity, I feel like I want to join in. I want to do something new. So yeah, I hope it works. I'd be happy if it does, but if it the demos aren't very good then it doesn't matter."

"I sort of wanted to leave space (to go in the studio), because I had a feeling like if we didn't do something new this year we'd never do it again, because the 40th anniversary of the first album is in 2019. I thought if we don't have something out new that year, that's it, I don't think The Cure will ever have another album. So I thought I better leave some time to do some writing if we want to go into the studio."

Robert Smith is notorious for talking big about new projects, so take all of this with a grain of salt. On the other hand, The Cure have already confirmed multiple festival headline gigs overseas and that compounded with their Rock Hall nomination (which will likely bring them to North America) makes it a reasonable assumption that a record, or at least something new will get released. Stay tuned.

Published December 14th, 2018