Sunday, August 4, 2019

Andy Partridge + Robyn Hitchcock releasing 'Planet England' collaboration

In 2006 Robyn Hitchcock and Andy Partridge created some music together. The music will finally be released as a four song EP on September 6th. Planet England will be available as a 10" vinyl release and on CD. Both formats are available to pre-order here.

Robyn Hitchcock:

“Andy is the only person that I can easily write songs with. They simply appear, as if we were at a seance. He’s perhaps more logical than me, but it’s not really a contest, is it? A lot of song-writing is solving a puzzle that you’ve set for yourself; I really enjoy going round to his place in Swindon and puzzling with him. I live just up the road, in Nashville...”

Andy Partridge:

"Robyn's fierce inventiveness is a joy to work with. Like bathing in the sparks from some surreal angle grinder...I can cheerfully tell you that it's been one rather beautiful crashing creative event. ...that I want to repeat. Feels like being in a group again."

Published August 4th, 2019