Friday, May 15, 2020

Devo launch new line of PPE merch

Devo launched new merchandise today including personal protection equipment.

The new line of merch includes Energy Domes with faceshields, individual faceshields (without the dome), cotton facemasks, Energy Domes, t-shirts and much more!

Gerald Casale of Devo says he can now reveal the "plain truth" behind Devo's iconic Energy Dome:

"It was designed according to ancient ziggaurat mound proportions used in votive worship. Like the mounds it collects energy and recirculates it.

In this case the Dome collects energy that escapes from the crown of the human head and pushes it back into the Medula Oblongata for increased mental energy.

It's very important that you acquire a plastic hard hat liner, adjust it to your head size and affix it with duct tape or Super Glue to the inside of the Dome. This allows the Dome to "float" just above the cranium and this do its job.

Unfortunately, sans hard hat liner, the recirculation of energy WILL NOT occur."

ClubDevo just launched and is a bit slow at the moment, but well worth the wait for Devo fans!

Check it all out here.