Thursday, November 12, 2020

Bernard Sumner reveals he's recovering from Covid19

Bernard Sumner of New Order is recovering from Covid19.

Sumner's frightening news came via an interview with The Current where he revealed that he contracted the novel coronavirus around three weeks ago. He told host Jill Riley that his symptoms were mild - he suffered from extreme fatigue and still can't smell anything - and considers himself very lucky since many people he knows have died from the virus.

During the interview Sumner also talked about post-industrial Manchester, Transmissions, the official Joy Division/New Order podcast, and New Order's new single "Be A Rebel." The single has a powerful uplifting message encourgaging people to be an individual and to celebrate yourself. Sumner believes that boredom is considered by some to be a bad thing, but in his experience it's a fantastic tool because it can stimulate the mind to explore a more creative state.

Stream the interview with Bernard Sumner below along with the first three episodes of Transmissions.