Sunday, December 6, 2020

Ned's Atomic Dustbin guitarist launches new project Obey Robots

Rat of Ned's Atomic Dustbin has launched a new musical project.

The project is titled Obey Robots and features Laura Kidd of Penfriend along with Ned's guitarist. The debut single "Let It Snow" was released just days ago and is most definitely not a cover of the traditional holiday/winter song, but instead an interesting new original track. According to Obey Robots:

"The lyrics to "Let It Snow" issue a heady invocation to the weather gods to fast forward this worst of years by dousing the world in clean, crisp hope for brighter days, where we can hug our loved ones and gather together in dark music venues to celebrate the wonders of being alive."

"Let It Snow" is available as a free / name your own price download from Bandcamp, plus there are physical editions available to purchase. Head here to check it out and stream "Let It Snow" below.