Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Johnny Marr - Solo Album + Q Hero

Johnny Marr has revealed his new solo album is finished and will be released in February. The album will be preceded by a single, which is expected to drop in December. The new album was written in 2010 while on the road with The Cribs and was recorded in Manchester and Berlin to give the album a European feel.

Marr was in London yesterday for the Q Awards where he was named Q Hero. He accepted the award onstage and quipped, "If this is a reward for 25 years of stupid reunion questions, I'll take it. Thanks very much Q." After the awards Marr spoke with the British media and a few short interviews are posted below.

BBC Radio 6 interview with Marr discussing the new solo album:

Video interview with Q where Marr talks about his heroes, the Smiths' reissues, and how the Smiths will really reform if David Cameron's coalition (current British government) steps down:

Video interview with Absolute Radio where Marr talks about being named a hero and getting a pat on the back: