Thursday, July 6, 2017

Morrissey police confrontation in Rome

Morrissey claims he was "terrorized" by police in Italy recently.

Moz, who has been in Europe working on a brand new studio album, claims he was allegedly minding his own business while driving down a street in Rome when suddenly he was pulled over by police. According to photographer Sam Esty Rayner, the officer strode up to the car (hand on his gun) and demanded to see Morrissey's "papers." Moz refused, first on the grounds that he'd done nothing wrong, and then to claim his papers were at the hotel. A dramatic 35 minute verbal confrontation ensued while a crowd of around 100 people gathered on the street to watch the spectacle.

Rayner surmised that the officer had no idea who he was dealing with, so he snapped a picture of the cop and told him that he was about to become famous. Eventually (and perhaps after googling Morrissey to find out who he pulled over) the officer gave up and walked away.

As you might imagine, the entire episode ruffled Mozzer's feathers. His statement on the matter (delivered via Rayner) is posted below:

"This was a deliberate act of terror by this Officer, who had no personal identification, but whose Polizia 113 motor-bike had the plate G2458. I had not broken the law or acted suspiciously. The officer unlocked his gun and held it as he screamed into my face. Some people came to my rescue. This happened outside the Nike store, and many people filmed the obviously insane officer. I believe he recognized me and wanted to frighten me. I did not back down even though I believed he was about to shoot me. I urge people to beware of this dangerously aggressive Officer. He might kill you."

Rayner posted a picture of the officer and a full account of what he witnessed here.

Police claim Morrissey was not a victim of harassment and was pulled because he was driving the wrong way down the street.

Published July 6th, 2017