...hang the dj

...hang the dj is a music blog. Old school, shoegaze, psych, and darkwave are featured genres.

Legal disclaimer: This blog is my personal, independent website. It is not affiliated with Bell Media, nor does it represents the thoughts, opinions, or desires of Bell Media

...hang the dj

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Send music submissions, press releases, or questions/concerns to: cristina [at] 89xradio.com or: hangthedjmag [at] gmail.com

Or just hit me up on Twitter @cristinarocks

...hang the dj

...hang the dj is a music blog. Old school, shoegaze, psych, and darkwave are featured genres.

Legal disclaimer: This blog is my personal, independent website. It is not affiliated with Bell Media, nor does it represents the thoughts, opinions, desires, etc of Bell Media

For music submissions, press releases, or questions/concerns:

hangthedjmag (at) gmail.com

Or hit me up on Twitter: @CristinaRocks

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Fans of psychedelic and shoegaze (sort of Ride meets Spiritualized meets the Verve) will love Bedfordshire, U.K. band Koolaid Electric Company. Not only do they have the best band name ever, but the music is unbelievably awesome.  Truly rare to be blown away upon first listen, but much like the Manchester band Embers, Koolaid Electric Company sucked me in from the get go.  Envelop yourself in the awesomeness of "Intro/Untitled" below:

"Intro-Untitled" is from the band's 2011 album Random Noises & Organised Sounds. The album is currently only available to purchase from Dead Bees store, though they do ship worldwide. Amazon U.S. has a listing for the album (though they are currently out of stock) and an Amazon U.K. subseller is selling a copy for an INCREDIBLE markup so if you're interested in obtaining a copy from Dead Bees is your best bet.

Stream the full album from Koolaid Electric Company below and catch up with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Soundcloud.