Teenage Fanclub's Bandwagonesque is another fantastic Creation Records release from 1991, and this weekend it celebrated its 20th anniversary. I opted to not pay tribute to the cd on Time Warp this week since I was emotionally overwhelmed with remembering/bowing down to My Bloody Valentine. Gotta spread the Creation love out, no? Fear not, we shall spend some time honoring this fabulous cd later this month on the show. In the meantime, I hope there will be some fitting tributes written over the next week, but I haven't found one other than this piece that was written back in September.
Take a listen to a few tracks from Bandwagonesque below
"Star Sign" was the record's first single. I wish this song was 15 minutes long.
"The Concept" was the second single and it featured one of the best lines of all time, "she don't do drugs, but she does the Pill." Awesome.
The radio single for "What You Do To Me" combined it with "Satan" so essentially it was two songs in one. I can't find any ripped audio of the radio single version, but here's a live version:
"Metal Baby" I just love that you can totally picture the characters in the song.
"December" Love, love, love it.
If you don't own this record, you should. It's cheap, too.
I leave you with this fun fact about Bandwagonesque: Spin named Bandwagonesque Album of the Year in 1991, beating out Nirvana's Nevermind. Ballsy choice. Even though the record is THAT good, I'm guessing the Spin editor at the time was a huge fan of the Byrds, Big Star, and Status Quo, because Teenage Fanclub lovingly took a page from those bands and ran with it.